cartoon cow writing at a desk

Full Moon Healing Ceremony: Steps 6 & 7 (2.8.17)

Preparing for the Full Moon Healing Ceremony for survivors of childhood sexual assault. Friday, February 10, 2017, 7:00 pm EST. Read previous posts for more information. Thank you Donald Trump for bringing #sexualassault to the forefront.

STEP 6: Engaging the senses through smell. Essential oils are highly beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. They can be purchased at your local health food store, at Whole Foods, or online. Select an oil that smells best or right for you. The goal is to inhale the scent of this essential oil and feel calm, grounded, and centered during this ceremony. Trust your intuition to guide you. If you don’t have access to essential oils, be creative. Find something aromatic that engages your sense of smell to create a sense of calm and comfort.

STEP 7: Engage your senses through sound and spirit. Select special music to listen to during your ceremony.

I have done many, many, many things to heal myself over the past 33 years from sexual assault. I am 53 years old and was sexually abused by my father from the ages of 8 – 20. Visit previous post called Beast of Burden at…/beast-of-burden/ for further information.

I received the information about this healing ceremony last week during a massage. At first, I was going to ask my readers, my audience, my followers to lift me up in prayer during this ceremony to help heal the child within me, but that felt selfish and immature. My second thought was to invite other people who were also sexually assaulted to join me on this night and we will grow through this process together. I decided to create the second option.

The information I am receiving about this ceremony is that the first half of the ceremony will be calm and centered while the second half of the ceremony will be uplifting and celebratory. For me, I am sensing that the second half of the ceremony will be almost like a wedding. I am uniting, or reuniting, my child-self with my adult self. The ceremony may be different for you. Trust the process and follow your intuition. This is your ceremony too. Adjust anything as needed. Trust your instincts, because they are pure.

Your Comrade in Spirit,
Mommy Moo Moo